Getting Past Chronic Fatigue Caused by MOG-AD: Part 3 -Homeopathy and Mind Body Connection with Dr. Joe Dispenza

On my healing journey, I have been fortunate to have access to incredible people with unconventional healing modalities that empower the mind and body.

Journey into Homeopathy: A Blend of Science and Personalization

In early 2019, my quest for relief from chronic fatigue, a relentless companion of MOG Antibody Disease (MOG-AD), led me to the intriguing world of homeopathy, a branch of alternative medicine established by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. Luckily, I knew the only homeopath in the area, Elizabeth Moon. I met with her shortly after my correct diagnosis and the commencement of treatment with CellCept, prescribed by my neurologist.

Elizabeth's approach to my treatment was not just about addressing the symptoms; it was about understanding me as a whole. She critically assessed my physical health, emotional landscape, and even subtle reactions to my environment. This thorough evaluation was pivotal in crafting a remedy that was as unique as my fingerprint. Homeopathy, with its principle of "like cures like," often seemed like a puzzle. The idea that substances in highly diluted forms could stimulate the body's healing mechanisms was fascinating and, admittedly, a bit perplexing.

I asked Elizabeth somewhat skeptically, "For it to work, do I have to believe in it?" Her response was a reassuring "No." It was a turning point, signaling that my healing journey was in the hands of someone who believed in the process and me. I would, in turn, believe in her. This trust was foundational as Elizabeth guided my care through the years, meticulously adjusting the potency of my remedy as I reached new milestones in my health.

The journey took time and effort. It was a gradual unfolding, marked by small victories that compounded over time. Progress became tangible in my ability to engage more fully in life. Activities that once seemed daunting due to fatigue began integrating seamlessly into my days, infused with a newfound vitality. This transformation was a testament to the power of personalized care and the body's innate capacity for healing.

Reflecting on my journey, the blend of science and personalization in homeopathy has been a cornerstone of my treatment strategy. It complemented the conventional treatments and supported my quest for health and well-being. The skepticism that once clouded my view has given way to an appreciation for homeopathy's nuanced and holistic approach.

Though often debated and viewed as controversial in mainstream medicine due to its high dilutions and the principle of 'like cures like,' the science of homeopathy offered a different perspective on healing. It provided an alternative pathway that complemented my conventional treatments and supported my journey toward more excellent health and well-being.

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection with Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza entered my life in late 2018 when I watched his series on the Gaia network called "Rewired." He brings together his many years of research into the brain and human biology to present the latest findings on what is possible to create massive transformations in our lives. Since my presentation of MOG-AD was encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.), I was very interested in the brain and how I might heal mine. 

Dr. Dispenza's teachings, which emphasize the power of the mind in healing the body, resonated deeply with me. His approach combines neuroscience, quantum physics, and the potential of thought to improve health and happiness. The concept that stood out to me was "rewiring" the brain - changing neural pathways and patterns to affect physical health. Given my condition, this notion was not just intriguing; it was a beacon of hope.

I began incorporating some of Dr. Dispenza's recommended practices into my daily routine, particularly those involving meditation and mindfulness. Early on in 2019, I used his "Blessing the Energy Centers" series of meditations. By 2023, I had practiced and worked through all five hour-long meditations, leading to a new profound body-mind connection. I wanted more Dr Joe.

His book, "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, " and the guided meditations would shift my mindset to choose vitality overr fatigue. When I asked myself, "Do I really want to let go of chronic fatigue, which has given me an excuse for remaining within the safe confines of rest and minimal external activities?" I proclaimed, "Yes, I do!" That's when everything changed. The old patterns of tiredness stored in my body would no longer control my thoughts. My body's old patterns of tiredness began to lose their grip, replaced by a newfound sense of vitality and love for life.

Transitioning to New Discoveries

This journey through homeopathy and mind-body practices laid the foundation for further exploration into healing. However, the most unexpected and revolutionary turn was yet to come. In my next part, I delve into an eye-opening discovery with a Neuro Chiropractor, a chapter that opened new horizons in my quest for wellness. This part of my journey introduces the complex and fascinating world of eye-tracking therapy, revealing its profound impact on my chronic fatigue.


Disclaimer: The content shared in this article is based on my personal experiences in managing and recovering from Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody Disease (MOG-AD). The strategies and remedies I discuss have worked for me but may not work for everyone, as every individual's health condition, symptoms, and needs can greatly vary. This article is intended to share my personal journey and is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of healthcare professionals. I strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health routines or trying new remedies. Remember, managing chronic diseases often requires patience and perseverance. The journey towards recovery is as individual as we are.


Getting Past Chronic Fatigue Caused by MOG-AD: Part 4 - The Power of Eye-Tracking


Getting Past Chronic Fatigue Caused by MOG-AD: Part 2 Commitment to the Wahls Protocol