The QuaranTime Exhibition

QuaranTime is an Exhibition/Presentation/Performance Series featuring all Northwest Louisiana Roster Artists who enter up to 10 works created during the CoronaVirus "Pause" and presented by the Shreveport Regional Art Council. The exhibits start Thursday, July 23, and continues through September 19* - and may be extended to October 3.

Here is my submission of nine images I call: The Lost Spring Discovered

The inspiration behind this work was simply springtime. Nature has always had the power to restore my peace and tranquility, and for that, I am thankful. During this unsettling time, I sure called on it to soothe me. I just had to clear my head and get out of my house to escape the fear and craziness of this freakish quarantine. So, I grabbed my Nikon Z7 camera, and out the door, I went to capture the springtime that was unfolding. Nature was not in lockdown. The time in isolation became the catalyst for my need to escape into my work, which is not all that different than any other time I set out to photograph nature. It's always been a form of escapism by putting me in the present moment while suspending the future's angst.




The Lost Spring Discovered